- 有別於其他院的特色是學生來自不同的國家,IMBA的學生分別來自台灣、越南、史瓦濟蘭、印尼、德國、加拿大、泰國及美國,藉著不同國家的文化背景相互交流激盪出更多的創意及多元的思維,由於學生國籍眾多,全課程皆為英語授課,用英語溝通討論,增加英語的靈活運用及熟練度。
- 為了將濃縮成一年的IMBA課程融會貫通,IMBA學生定期小組討論及會議,相互交流意見並與指導教授確認研究走向,目標在一年內以最大強度吸收所有的課程精華。
- 對於進入新的環境總是有期待跟目標,讓我們來聽聽學生對於IMBA碩士班的看法:
Name: Trong Tuynh Nguyen (Nationality: Vietnam)
The FCU IMBA program is by far the best option for any individual seeking to advance both professionally and intellectually. The IMBA program has helped me deepen my leadership skill, enhancing the way I lead my team and drive key business decisions at work. It has greatly expanded my perspective, making me look at the business world differently, and understand the underlying factors that drive executive decisions. I now can leverage the competency that I have gained to take on roles that involve greater responsibilities, with a new business mind set and a new approach. In all, the program has helped to transcend my limits to a level that I did not know existed. Not only did it give me an edge over competition in landing a high paying job, but it also improved every facet of my life with better critical thinking and analytical skills that I have acquired.
Name: Ryan Hamamoto (Nationality: USA)
The IMBA program is a great opportunity to be immersed in a multitude of disciplines within a relatively short amount of time. Of particular value personally are the circumstances that have allowed me to network with professors and professionals from all over the world. I anticipate the program being very beneficial to my future.
Name: Noma (Nationality: Swaziland)
My overall feel of the program is that it challenges my way of thinking and broadens my perspectives of the business world. I hope it will expand my knowledge and network and I hope to learn how to apply academic principles to real world problems.
Name: Carroline Ayunindya (Nationality: Indonesia)
Join the IMBA program is a good choice for me. It is a great opportunity to improve my knowledge and my ability as well to strengthen my character. To finish my IMBA in the short time, it is the challenges for me to do the best with all the knowledge that I have got. It also a great chance for me to network with the professional people at any field.
Name: Pattra Chaipiyaphan (Nationality: Thailand)
This program has boarded my view to International Business and granted me the opportunity to learn and strive for new idea strategically with the passion " We can do it".