SFSU-FCU 2+2 Bachelor's Program in Computer Science


SFSU program in Computer Science

SFSU-FCU 2+2 Bachelor's Program in Computer Science

This program focuses on the field of computer science and is conducted entirely in English. Students spend two years studying at Feng Chia University, followed by two years at San Francisco State University (SFSU) in California, USA. Upon completion, students receive degrees from both universities. At Feng Chia University, students receive foundational and core courses in computer science. In their junior year, they transfer to San Francisco State University to continue their studies in the field of computer science.

Program Overview

舊金山資工創新學習 前進國際腳步

Course Introduction

大三大四:銜接SFSU College of Science and Engineering 的 Computer Science Department ,並修讀軟體開發、網路應用、人工智慧等最新科技之進階資訊工程相關專業知識。

學生畢業後,可申請美國的實習許可(OPT *+ STEM 延長許可#),在美國從事與工程相關的工作。
* OPT全名為Optional Practical Training,持有F1簽證的大學生和碩博士學生完成了9個月以上的學業後,美國公民及移民服務局(USCIS)將核准上述學生在相關專業領域進行實習訓練。一般為1年。
#STEM 延長許可,指在美國學院或大學取得科學、科技、工程和數學(Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics)學位的學生,可以申請另外24個月的延長許可,這樣OPT+STEM 延長許可,可在美停留長達3年。



符合逢甲大學與舊金山州立大學兩校畢業規範的學生,將獲頒逢甲大學工學學士與San Francisco State University Bachelor of Science in Computer Science雙學士學位
