2022 ISTM Cup Basketball tournament
2022 ISTM Cup Basketball tournament
- 2022 ISTM Cup Basketball tournament successfully completed after keen competitions with boy and girl teams. The boy’s team championship goes to IBSH. ISTM sophomore won the first runner up. AAIA was ranked as the 2nd runner-up. The girl’s team championship goes to Morrison Academy Taichung team A. Morrison Academy Taichung team B won the first runner up. IBSH girls was ranked as the 2nd runner-up. This tournament was launched after the welcome speech by Dean of International School of Technology and Management Chuang-Chien Chiu, Feng Chia University. ISTM was very honored to invite Chairman Gao, the head of Feng Chia University, to present the award at close ceremony. These competitions also serve as the opening activities for a series of events to celebrate Feng Chia university’s 61th anniversary.
- Pictur-https://fengchia-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/istm_o365_fcu_edu_tw/EkMQQRH7JdpLoeZqH_YzxEUBdRCat9yUl65KtjhF7I-MSQ?e=9pDqfv