Are you wondering where the shortcut to top 100 universities is?
The student recruitment keynote will show you the ropes!
- Last Saturday afternoon (2022-10-29), ISTM hosted the first 2023 student recruitment keynote in Ren Yan Bldg. in FCU. This time, there were over 30 students and parents participated in the keynote, during which, they listened to the introduction of ISTM from Associate Dean, Shaw-Jyh Shin and Charles S. Chien carefully, and took notes, asked questions. Also, they are touched with the thoughts of the seniors who are already studying ISTM. They are confident in the teaching excellence of ISTM, and expressed their interest of apply.
- The first student recruitment interview will take place on 2022-12-16, which dues on 2022-12-07. This year we added Monash Bachelor’s Program in Information Technology.
- If you want to study in the top 100 universities, don’t miss the student recruitment information. For further information, please visit the official website at https://istm.fcu.edu.tw/recruit/