2022 ISTM Graduation Cerenony
On June 10th, 2022, the International School of Technology and Management (ISTM) at Feng Chia University held the 2022 Graduation Ceremony.
- Due to the impact of the epidemic, students' life has changed in these two years. In addition to hold the physical on-site ceremony, ISTM also provides online live broadcasts, so that our parents and students can participate together without worries.
- During the event, Dr. Lee, Bing-Jean, the President of Feng Chia University was invited to present Dean Mitchell M. Tseng Memorial Scholarship. After the founding Dean Mitchell M. Tseng, President Lee was the second Dean of the ISTM. Dr. Tseng’s wife and his family were all invited to join this ceremony online. This Scholarship means a lot to ISTM and Dean Tseng's family.
- There are not only separation and tears during the ceremony but also smiling moments. Many interesting videos showing the changes of students in the past two years are presented and make everyone laugh. In the end of the ceremony, ISTM provided excellent gifts for lucky draw and two students win the prize. We believe that all ISTM students completed their two-year study in Feng Chia University with happiness and hard work. We look forward to seeing everyone have a bright future.
- Check it again - https://fengchia-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/byliou_o365_fcu_edu_tw/EV6Rf9rt0ytIhedmX8P6y4MBJmA21HX_vcqyrYN3XTV1tA?e=DC1ae1