ISTM program introduction and application conference
International School of Technology and Management held the program introduction and application meeting on April 30th, 2022. Our vice-dean Professor Lin led ISTM professors and the faculty team to organize this meeting. Although affected by the epidemic, 42 people participated on-site but also there was a broadcast live for those students and parents who couldn’t come to this grand event in person.
Through face-to-face effective communication, parents and students can have a deeper understanding of the educational goals of ISTM, and a more comprehensive understanding of issues related to studying abroad, such as the application schedule and the matters to be completed before going abroad. After the meeting, parents and students who participated not only asked questions enthusiastically but also highly affirmed the activity.
Conference video : https://fengchia-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/byliou_o365_fcu_edu_tw/EdY49T-lrzlFj0B7WPrAAn0Bm28Wf704ewAPLn6d0w6xbA?e=VmccaE
Conference briefing :https://istm.fcu.edu.tw/wp-content/uploads/sites/81/2022/05/20220430_ISTM-申請入學說明會_compressed.pdf