ISTM 2nd Dodge Ball tournament
On Friday, March 25th, 2022, ISTM 2nd Dodge Ball tournament successfully completed after keen competitions among the 11 teams, including all ISTM colleagues, program students and program advisors.
- This champion team goes to the sophomore year of RMIT business and innovation, and the freshman year of SJSU- Electrical Engineering won the first runner-up. The freshman year of RMIT business and innovation was ranked as the 2nd runner-up. This tournament was launched after the welcome speech of Vice President Chuang-Chien Chiu, Feng Chia University. ISTM hoped that through the held this competition it will getting more connections with teachers and different program students. Promote exercise, promote recognition of the ISTM department. We also wish the sophomore-year students can got a good and deep memories before they go abroad.