Purdue-FCU 2+2 student Eric Shin become AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner
Eric Shin, student of Purdue-FCU undergraduate 2+2 program in Electrical Engineering & Computer Engineering, passed the Amazon Web Service (AWS) examination this August and became an officially certified AWS cloud practitioner. Obtaining this certification requires the necessary knowledge and skills related to AWS.
- Eric believes that AWS cloud certification will be helpful for further academic and career plan. He mentioned that the 3-day AWS certification course, sample questions from previous exams, and the practical experience from “Innovation Project” are all great tools for him to prepare the exam. “Innovation Project” is an unique class of ISTM. ISTM Prof. Chen-Jui Liang and D-school Prof. Ju-Chuan Wu integrated AWS applications into “Innovation Project” course of Purdue program, allowing students to accumulate AWS knowledge and experience.
- AWS is now widely used in the business word and in the fields of healthcare, financial services, Internet of Things, etc. with more than 175 services. ISTM will continue to help students cultivate such talents and be competitive in the real world.