Students’ Brilliant Performance for ISTM Innovation Project Final Presentation


Students’ Brilliant Performance for ISTM Innovation Project Final Presentation


In the morning of January 10th, the final presentation for 2019 Fall Semester Innovation Project took place at International School of Technology and Management (ISTM). With the expansion of ISTM organization, participating groups have reached an unprecedented number of 28, or more than 140 people in total, including freshmen at FCU-Purdue Undergraduate Program in Electrical Engineering & Computer Engineering and FCU-SJSU.

  • Undergraduate Program in Engineering, sophomores at FCU-SJSU Undergraduate Program in Business Analytics along with students from both grades at FCU-RMIT Undergraduate Program in Business and Innovation. As one required course, the objective of the Innovation Project is to guide students in exploring and reflecting upon issues across various fields, from society, environment, business, engineering and education, and thereby allowing students to habituate themselves to innovative thinking for problem-solving in the development of evaluating and decision-making ability.
  • In 2017, ISTM Associate Professor Dr. Liang Chen-Jui firstly introduced innovative teaching methods from Purdue University. For his visit, he emulates the teaching strategy that engages students in active learning and the shift from lecturer-based activities to Student-Centered Learning. Served as the benchmark of ISTM, this teaching methodology was put into practice in the Innovation Project courses, and further integrated into Feng Chia University’s CDIO (Conceive, Design, Implement, Operate) mode. This teaching mode facilitates students’ competence in innovative thinking, question definition, teamwork and problem-solving. For 2 consecutive years since 2018, Dr. Liang Chen-Jui and Director Lee Ying-Te have led students in the participation Innovation Entrepreneurship Workshop of EIA (European Innovation Academy), in hope of bringing in the EIA competition platform to Feng Chia University.
  • In combination of the previous experience from Purdue University, CDIO and EIA, the final presentation of Innovation Project is organized by ISTM in joint sponsorship from iSchool at FCU. The scopes for the 2019 Fall semester comprised Phase 1: Innovation Foundation and Phase 3: Innovation and Entrepreneurship. Freshmen enjoyed challenge for topics on Next Generation Classroom and Fuxing Rd. Redesign; while sophomores took on advanced themes such as Innovation & Startup and Smart Library. Particularly noteworthy is that among the Top 3 Popularity Awards, one freshmen group is listed the 3rd for their project on Next Generation Classroom after a short training course. Meanwhile, the 1st and the 2nd went to sophomores at FCU-RMIT Undergraduate Program in Business and Innovation for the maturity and completeness presented in their theme of innovation and entrepreneurship. From the initial stage of Innovation Foundation since freshmen, the teams conceptualized innovation from discovering, defining problems and needs to consolidating basic models. In the steady, step-by-step successive training procedure, they have developed tool for data application and user-interface design in Phase 2 Innovation Tools, and went through the ideation through customer-oriented design thinking, market research and business model creation for Phase 3 Innovation and Entrepreneurship. From a kit that prevents the toilet water from spattering on clothes, to a helmet that integrates functions of navigation, voice call and vehicle video recorder, these products are invented from the observed pain points in real-life and received high popularity in peer review along with the credits from evaluation committee board.

1st place: Anti-Aqua

2nd place: Smart Helmet

3rd place: Next Generation Classroom

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