ISTM Experience from an exchange student of CSAT
For the 2019 Fall semester, a participant of the Consortium for Study Abroad in Taiwan (CSAT), James Sandberg from St. Olaf College, came to International School of Technology and Management, Feng Chia University. Consequently, program executive, Director Dr. Chiung-Ju Huang at FCU-SJSU Business Analytics, designed an integrative program in combination of lectures and practicum, tailored for his concentration in Chinese and Economics. Other than providing all-English courses in featured disciplines, such as Asian Americans in US History, Financial Accounting, Introduction to Business Programming, ISTM also had the honor to invite the renowned EnWise CPAs & Co to be James’ internship agency. As a member of Accountants Global Network (AGN), EnWise CPAs & Co offered a complete range of quality services to global clients over the past thirty years. During his once-per-week practical training, he was assigned various tasks: from sorting and reviewing documents for a thorough understanding of operations of CPAs and enterprises that covered stages of development of a corporate from incubation to maturity; to visiting clients with colleagues for auditing the books and accounts, which enables hands-on practice of professional skills. The experience was exceptionally precious to James, as such an opportunity for on-site learning and praxis is not necessarily available in the US.
- In the end of December, 2019, James contributed to the documentary before his departure. In the interview, he shared his learning experience at ISTM as well as his inter-cultural observations in between Taiwan and the US. CSAT is managed by Foundation for Scholarly Exchange (FSE, Fulbright Taiwan) and is in partnership with the Foundation for International Cooperation in Higher Education of Taiwan (FICHET) and the Ministry of Education (MOE) Taiwan. ISTM is proud for facilitating international education exchanges based on such institutional partnerships, and looks forward to more inbound students from the US.
(From left to right) CSAT at FCU Assistant Courtney Wu at FCU campus, CSAT at FCU Mentor Dr. Chiung-Ju Huang, James Sandberg, CPA Supervisor Kenny, and Partner of En Wise CPAs & Co Dr. Guei Duan Chen.
(From left to right) CSAT Program Specialist Astin Chang, CSAT at FCU Mentor Dr. Chiung-Ju Huang, Director of Fulbright Traditional Program Lisa Lin, James, Partner of En Wise CPAs & Co Dr. Guei Duan Chen, CPA Supervisor Kenny and CSAT at FCU Assistant Courtney Wu at FCU campus
James went to EnWise CPAs & Co for the first time.