FCU-SJSU Program Seminar
FCU-SJSU Undergraduate 2+2 Program hosted a seminar on July 6th, inviting Prof. Malu Roldan (Associate Dean of Business College), Prof. Janet Tan (School of Global Innovation and Entrepreneurship) and Prof. Leanne Lindelof for ISTM students to have a face-to-face opportunity to talk to SJSU faculty. Prof. Cathy W. S. Chen (Director of FCU-SJSU Program), Prof. Chiung-Ju Huang (Program Mentor), and Mr. Kris Chung (ISTM counselor) faciliated the event and provided academic advice and suggestions. Incoming freshman students and parents as well as current students from FCU-SJSU program attended the event. Many of them were eager to know about SJSU and what's their life would be like when they get there. Prof. Roldan and Prof. Tan gave attendees an introduction to SJSU campus and its sourrounding areas. They also provided useful suggestions for information like housing and transportation.