FCU-SJSU Program Pre-Departure Orientation
FCU-SJSU Undergraduate 2+2 Program hosted a Pre-Departure Orientation on March 30, inviting all students and parents from FCU-SJSU Program. Associate Director of International Recruitment and Partnerships from San Jose State University (SJSU), Mr. Steve Arnold, attended this orientation. In addition, three faculty/staff members from SJSU also participated in the session by video conference: Prof. Malu Roldan (Associate Dean of Business College), Franwcisco Castillo (Director of Student Success Center) and Juliet Tyson (International Recruitment and Partnerships) and answered questions posed by students and parents.
- The first batch of students in FCU-SJSU 2+2 Program in Business Analytics have all met the academic and English proficiency requirements and have successfully received I-20, Certificate of Eligibility from SJSU, moving to the third year of the SJSU Business Analytics program next semester. To ensure smooth transition, this orientation was organized to prepare students for application of dormitory, visa and transfer student orientation, etc.
- There were around 30 parents who participated in the session and also several faculty members from FCU showed up for this important occasion, including Prof. Mitchell Tseng (Dean of ISTM), Dr. Pei Liu (Dean of International Affairs), Prof. Cathy W. S. Chen (Director of FCU-SJSU Program), Prof. Chiung-Ju Huang (Program Mentor), and Mr. Kris Chung (ISTM counselor). In the orientation, Prof. Tseng expressed his gratitude to parents for their support and trust in the school. Director Chen congratulated our students for their success that came by with hard work and dedication.
- During the video conference, SJSU faculty/staff members welcomed the incoming students and answered parents' and students' various questions, including practicum, safety, course enrollment, dormitory application, etc.
- Our guest, Mr. Steve Arnold, made a point in telling students about internship and practicum and other important restrictions on SJSU campus, like drinking and smoking. With the support from SJSU, this orientation provided a lot of information for our students and parents and lessened their anxiety about going abroad. Students are now looking forward to going to SJSU, the next big step in life.