Taste of Culture--The Success Model in IMBA Project Management Course


Taste of Culture--The Success Model in IMBA Project Management Course


The IMBA students in project mangement course hosted "Feng Chia University International Cultural Festival" on April 16, 2016, attracting hundreds of participants, making it an exciting event.

  • IMBA program of International School Technology and Management at Feng Chia University, in conjunction with the project management course, hosted the yearly “Feng Chia University International Cultural Festival” on April 16th. This year, the theme is “Taste of Culture – Trivial Traveler Game Show.” This event attracted more than one hundred participants making it a huge success.
  • The goal of this event is to have the students apply their knowledge and techniques learned in the project management course led by Professor Hsu-Shen Fu. From conception and initiation, defining scope to planning and execution, students got first-hand experience in every step of doing a project. IMBA student Chris took the role of project manager and Peter as the associate project manager. Every student in the class took up responsibility in one of the project teams – entertainment team, catering team, marketing team, decoration team.
  • In addition to the trivial game, another highlight of the event is the exotic food and drinks offered during break and after the show, including American, English, Italian, Mexican, Vietnamese and Taiwanese cuisine. "I really like the Q&A in trivial game show, " said one of the participants. "I learned a lot." Another participant mentioned, "The variety of food in different cultures is amazing. Everyone had a lot of fun."
  • The marketing team is credited for the overwhelming success of the event. The number of participants exceeded the expected number of 80 people. The marketing team publicized the event with photographs, videos, Facebook. The decoration team featured flags, maps, posters and unique postcards, making the event culturally diverse and exotic.
  • “Every year Feng Chia University International Cultural Festival is run by Professor Hu’s project management course, hosting events such as international food fairs, cultural performances, movie festivals,” said Chris. “This year, we hoped to have stronger interaction and so we chose a trivia game.”
  • “The most satisfying part about running this project,” said associate project manager Peter, “is mediating between project teams, solving unexpected problems and making sure that everything is on track and on schedule.”
  • Professor Hu is happy with the result of this project and he commends the endeavors and teamwork of the IMBA students. By applying what is learned in class to an actual event, students were able to have practical experiences, strengthen their skills in communications and leadership and in the end have a good time.

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