Pathway to RMIT-2016 IELTS Enrichment Camp
International School of Technology and management (ISTM), Feng Chia University (FCU) held “Pathway to RMIT-2016 IELTS Enrichment Camp” from 9th to 13th Jan, 2016. During the 5 days, freshmen studied for 11 hours each day. Yet they never complained, and their passion for English grew from day to day. They even requested the instructors to continue the program after the camp.
- These earnest freshmen are students of FCU-RMIT Dual-Degree Bachelor’s Program in Business and Innovation, an international collaboration program set up by FCU and RMIT University in Australia. Students of this program will undertake the first 2 years of study in FCU, and continue their learning in RMIT in the 3rd year after they achieve the English language proficiency of IELTS 6.5 or equivalent.
- Students were already involved in a series of English learning activities in the 2 months leading up to the camp. They completed sentence dictation and repeated exercises through the LINE group. The instructors would assess the accuracy of their pronunciation. Students became more familiar with the England accent through these practices.
- During the camp, students were fully energized by highly interactive teaching method. Their concentration were greatly improved. On the 2nd day, they played “vocabulary monopoly” after learning vocabulary, and “essay writing monopoly” after learning essay writing. Students were in high spirit and burst into laughter frequently. On the last day, instructors decided to evaluate their achievement by “barricade breaking game”. While they breaking through “listening, speaking, reading, writing” barricades, the instructors were deeply moved by the students’ eagerness as they had learnt so much in just 5 days!
- The camp lit up students’ passion and motivation for learning English. During the winter holiday, students formed study groups in Taipei, Taichung and Kaohsiung out of their own initiative. They sat for IELTS mock exam in the morning. In the afternoon, instructors went through exam papers with them, pointing out the techniques for answering the questions. After 35 hours of learning, students were better aware of their strength and weakness. Through their enthusiasm, studying aboard is no longer a distant dream, but a reachable target.
- In addition to providing English learning environment, ISTM also plans extra English courses and activities to help students familiarize with the learning environment abroad. In the coming September, ISTM will also be offering Dual-Degree Bachelor’s Program in Business Analytics, under collaboration with San José State University in Silicon Valley, and Dual-Degree Bachelor’s Program in in Electrical and Computer Engineering, under collaboration with Purdue University in USA. ISTM is the only higher education institution with MOE approval to offer undergraduate dual degree programs in Taiwan.